Stef Pletinck


Personal website and blog of developer Stef Pletinck

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Privacy Policy

Published on 24 Jan 2025 by Stef Pletinck

The apps I make under my own name or personal pseudonyms collect as little as possible to none of your data. If you do not trust my word for it, feel free to contact me on the e-mail address listed on this website.

Querying OSM data in QGis and Why it Hangs Forever

Published on 15 Jan 2025 by Stef Pletinck

OpenStreetMap is the source for free and open-source maps and geospatial information. It contains a true wealth of knowledge on the world, from roads to businesses, opening times, contact information and so much more. One can relatively easily import this data into a PostGIS database and build their own applications using this data. When developing queries it can however be very useful to not just see a table of results, but display these on a map. That is what I set out to achieve using QGis.

Belux vACC Plugin Survey

Published on 13 Dec 2023 by Stef Pletinck

Belux vACC has seen quite some changes in its plugins this last year and I wondered what the vATCOs thought of this. I made a very short survey, published it to our ATCOs and analysed the results.

Belux Plugin Gate Alerts

Published on 25 May 2023 by Stef Pletinck

The Belux Euroscope plugin now has configurable alerts whenever an assigned gate changes. This post will serve as a combination of release notes and manual for this new feature. A future post will contain more information on the actual implementing.

My current notetaking system

Published on 20 May 2021 by Stef Pletinck

I take a lot of notes. A lot of notes. Some of these notes are temporary, to be written down and never seen again. Some of these notes are absolutely vital, notes I never want to lose. Some notes are nice to have. There is no one system that fits all of the above.

Start of research: Introduction to OpenWiFi

Published on 30 Aug 2020 by Stef Pletinck

OpenWiFi is an FPGA1 and SDR2 implementation of the IEEE 802.11 a/g/n standard (WiFi, for us common folk). Essentially, it’s a WiFi chip, like you’d find in your phone or a router, but open source and written in Verilog. For more introductory reading, see the paper3 or the talk on FOSDEM. This series of blog posts will document my experiences learning and researching.

  1. Field Programmable Gate Array 

  2. Software Defined Radio 

  3. X. Jiao, W. Liu, M. Mehari, M. Aslam, and I. Moerman, ‘openwifi: a free and open-source IEEE802.11 SDR implementation on SoC’, in 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring), Antwerp, Belgium, May 2020, pp. 1–2, doi: 10.1109/VTC2020-Spring48590.2020.9128614. 

Automatic Minecraft backups

Published on 29 Aug 2020 by Stef Pletinck

Say you run a Minecraft server (like EndTech) and you want it to backup automatically and manually. This is needed because people make mistakes or your players like to experiment, which might crash the game.

Building rich search using Laravel and Vue.js

Published on 19 Sep 2019 by Stef Pletinck

For the longest time, the in-house invoicing and CRM package where I work used Select2 for all search boxes. The main “customer search” box had some extra code tacked on that would load the customer’s profile when you selected a customer in Select2. This worked, but had a number of issues:

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